Latest Past Events

Fall Clean-up Day at the Park Heights Cemetery

Park Heights Cemetery 710 East H Street, BRUNSWICK

Volunteer to Clean-up at the Park Heights Cemetery. We need help keeping the grounds orderly. Bring gloves and a friend! Park Heights Cemetery was established around 1910 on 10+ acres of land in Brunswick, Maryland. According to some, it was the successor to the old Brunswick Lutheran Cemetery. An old undated plat also mentions “Mt […]

Food Forest Planting

Brunswick Food Bank 601 E. Potomac St., BRUNSWICK

Help us plant native trees, shrubs, and plants in the new Brunswick Food Forest behind the Brunswick Food Bank. The amazing Anna Twig from the Maryland Forestry Service will be leading the planting. Bring your favorite gloves, bug spray, sun protection, water, and a snack. The holes will already be prepared, we will be putting […]

Annual Canal Community Days Clean Up

Brunswick Boat Ramp Brunswick Boat Ramp, BRUNSWICK

The C&O Canal National Historical Park follows the Potomac River for 184.5 miles between Georgetown and Cumberland and is one of the most visited national park sites in the country. The C&O Canal Trust is the park’s official nonprofit partner, committed to supporting the park and local communities through fundraising initiatives, expanding accessibility and broadening support through programs […]