Come Help at the Food Bank Garden

There is a Food Bank Garden at the Brunswick Crossing Community Garden, and everyone is welcome to help. The garden is peaceful and everyone is very friendly. It can be a nice retreat to get into the garden and meditate while pulling weeds. We meet at the garden in the evenings to pull weeds and water, Monday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings, once things have cooled off at 7:00 PM.

Canada Thistle

We are combating evil Canada thistles in the eastern garden plot and grass in the western plot. Once you see Canada thistle, you will recognize them; thorny, spiky, and everywhere. Just put on some gloves and rip off their heads any where you see them. Don’t worry, you will never get them all, just decapitate a few and that is a great step toward their eradication! Anyone is welcome to go to the garden and pull weeds at anytime. Just look out for flower seedlings that are starting to grow along the edges of the garden and don’t worry about any purslane or chickweed.

Common Purslane

Go ahead and pull them away from the plants themselves, but let them grow where there aren’t plants. We are using those as a living mulch to help keep moisture in the ground. And don’t forget to fill up the little saucers that you see around. The birds, bunnies, and insects were so thirsty so we put those out for them and they have been very busy watering holes! Thank you for any little bit you can help with – we appreciate it greatly!

Common Chickweed


